I’m all about being here in the present, but sometimes it’s good to reflect on where you’ve been and where you’re going. This is the time of year where I’m sure many of us are doing just that.

Looking Back

One of the ways I like to look back is through my photographs from the year that’s coming to an end. They paint a picture of what was important to me. And, I often dIscover projects or themes to work on for the coming year. Most of my photos are stored on Flickr. At the end of each month, I review my images, choose one and put it in an album of favourites for that year. It’s not always my “best” picture but one that holds special meaning for me. It could be from somewhere I travelled that month or one that resonates emotionally. I’ve been doing this for five years now and it’s amazing how different each year has been. Below are my 12 for 2017 and it was, for sure, an abstract kind of year. I hope you’ll try it yourself.

2017 favourites

Looking Ahead

As I’ve alluded to in previous posts, I’ll be taking the first three months of 2018 to study and create – to do deep work. I’m eliminating distractions by going off social media for that time period. What will emerge remains to be seen, but I’m excited to find out – whether it be a new course, a book, or a photo project. At the end of each month, I’ll post an update on this blog and send an email to my subscribers. By April 1st, I’ll have a plan and schedule in place for the remainder of the year.

There is one in-person workshop in the planning process – a mindful photography retreat to Western Ireland for September 9th – 14th. I’m thrilled to be working with Deirdre Walsh, a mindfulness coach, who has family in Ireland. She’s led mindfulness retreats there already and will take the lead on organization. I’ll be working on the content.

Thank you so much for being a part of my 2017. I wish you many more adventures in seeing in 2018. What’s coming up for you?


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