Bamboo by Kim Manley OrtPhotography workshops are the ultimate in inspiring. It’s not so much about the teacher or the content as it is about being with other photographers and having the time to really concentrate on taking photos.

I hadn’t been to a photography workshop in quite some time. But when I saw a one day workshop on creativity offered nearby by a local photographer. Andy Chen, I jumped at the chance. Andy is a fantastic photographer who often quotes Seth Godin, another person who really inspires me.

One exercise we did at the workshop was to pick an object and photograph it from different roles or perspectives. For example, what would a bird see, or an ant, or a runner passing by. Then, we had to photograph from the perspective of the object itself. What would it see?

What I love about an exercise like this is that it really makes us consider or really see what we have chosen. To spend an hour really seeing something can’t help but make us look at it in a whole new way.

I chose a bamboo grove, nestled between a baseball diamond and a running path. I discovered the beauty of bamboo and also reflected on what an amazing, sustainable resource bamboo is and can be.

This weekend, notice what you don’t notice. Or really see someone special in your life. What did you find? Tell me here.

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