The Invisible Half of Life

The Invisible Half of Life

Thomas Berry, a Passionist Priest and ‘geologian,’ wrote about the history of the Earth from a geological and theological perspective. He could see from the past and present what was needed for the future. He knew what had been lost and what needed to be recovered,...

The Dreaded Question – What’s your purpose?

What’s your purpose? Don’t you hate it when someone asks you that? You either have no idea what your purpose is or you feel it’s being egotistical to say. I started thinking about purpose after reading Marion Milner’s Book, A Life of One’s Own (published in 1936). She...

Niagara’s Earliest Peoples

I live on the land of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Niagara Purchase Treaty 381 in 1781. This month in the PLACE workshop, we’re exploring the indigenous story of our place’s earliest peoples. These are the people who first inhabited our land. In this...