5 books that changed my life

Susannah Conway mentioned this idea for a blog post on her video for The World’s Biggest Summit. It intrigued me because it was not about the best books you’ve ever read or even your five favorite books, but rather the five books that changed your life.

As an avid reader and writer about inspiration, I definitely have books that have changed my life. And, the most intriguing part to me is that this list would be completely different for each person. Inspiration comes when it’s most needed according to where you are at the time. So, while I will tell you about my five books below, I’m interested in knowing what book(s) have changed your life and how?

** Books mentioned have Amazon or Bookshop affiliate links, meaning I make a few cents if you purchase through my link. I only recommend books that I’ve read.

For me, three popped into my head immediately, and I had to think a little more about the other two. Of course, now that I’ve thought about it, I could probably name 25 or more books that have changed my life. Every book changes me in some way. To narrow it to five then becomes harder, but also ensures that those five are the most significant. This is what I came up with.

1. Masquerade at the Ballet (Wells) by Lorna Hill

A true coming of age book, I read this book at about the age of 10, and still have my musty, worn copy. A couple of years ago, I re-read it and was amazed at how the whole story came flooding back. It is definitely a part of me.

The story is about two cousins in England. Mariella is a city girl, born to a famous ballerina and expected to follow in her mother’s footsteps, yet she prefers to ride horses in the country. Jane is the country girl, expected to ride horses but has dreams to become a prima ballerina. The two trade places, to the disappointment of their families, to make their dreams come true. It is very much about following your dreams and not the dreams others have for you.

2. Love is Eternal, A Novel of Mary Todd and Abraham Lincoln by Irving Stone

This historical novel about Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln, read in my teenage years, cemented my love  of reading and history, like no history class ever did. It made me realize that the personal stories behind the facts were what fascinated me.

I read many more books by Irving Stone – about union organizer Eugene Debs and artist Vincent Van Gogh, to name a few – but Love is Eternal was my all-time favourite.

3. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values by Robert Pirsig

This book, which I read in my early twenties, and continue to read at different stages in my life, introduced me, a young woman steeped in mathematics and logic, to the world of philosophy. It is my favorite book of all time.

4. Ansel Adams: Letters and Images, 1916-1984 by Mary Street Alinder and Andrea Stillman

This is the book that planted the seed for my photography career. While in my 30’s, when my kids were young, I would read this book as they took their afternoon naps. It was about much more than photography. It was about a life led with integrity, by someone passionate about what he did.

Again, the personal (in the form of Adams’ letters) tells the stories behind the man and his images. Ansel Adams loved life and was above all else, a communicator. You can read more about how this book inspired me by reading this page, How a Photographer and Pianist Changed my Life.

5. Ten Poems to Change Your Life by Roger Housden

It was hard to choose the fifth one, but I picked this one because poetry has become a big part of my life recently. And this book by Roger Housden was one of the first I read on the subject. Housden has created a nice series of books on poetry, providing an introduction to some of the greatest poems ever written, through his own experiences.

Poetry is one of the many ways to build contemplation into your life. If you’d like to learn more about poetry, go to this page, Best Poetry Books.

Which book changed your life?


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